James Tinney


Every step
matters this
Men’s Health Week.

I’m taking strides to save men’s lives.

Prostate cancer is Australia’s most commonly diagnosed cancer. 1 in 5 men are likely to be diagnosed by 85.

That’s why, this Men’s Health Week, I’m making every step count.

Will you donate today and help fund new research to detect and defeat prostate cancer?

Thank you to my sponsors


Dale Phillips

Great work Jimbo



The $69 was to get you to $850 (currently on $781) :)


Aaron Buzza

Great cause Jimbo - well done mate



Great job James.


Mary Ellicott



Travis Bush

Smash it mate!


Graeme Horne

Hi James. Good luck with the walk.


Gavin Thomson

Nice one Jimmy!


Elissa Hirst

Great work James!! Raising money & creating awareness 💙


Lyn & Ian Young

Well done James. No cure will ever happen without research.


Elizabeth Watson

Here's hoping the weather holds out- good luck


Noel Howard

Walk on james



Great cause mate 😊💐🍻


James Tinney

You can also Donate via Direct Deposit:
Account Name: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Ltd
BSB: 062 000
Account Number: 12668231
Payment reference: Your full name
To request your receipt: donations@pcfa.org.au