Jacqueline Spencer


Every step
matters this
Men’s Health Week.

Day 1: I’m taking strides to save men’s lives.

Prostate cancer is Australia’s most commonly diagnosed cancer. 1 in 5 men are likely to be diagnosed by 85.

That’s why, this Men’s Health Week, I’m making every step count.

Will you donate today and help fund new research to detect and defeat prostate cancer?

My Updates

Day 3: Walk for Him

Thursday 13th Jun
Today I walked proudly wearing the Walk for Him t-shirt to work and around our local sports grounds. The crazy hair look is because I took off my beanie for the photo 😂

Day 2: Public transport is a workout

Tuesday 11th Jun
Today I walked nearly 5km’s with 17 flights of stairs incorporated. Catching trains to work is a great work out 😁

Thank you to my sponsors


Robert Cheshire


Narelle Fletcher

Thank you for showing your support my hubby has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer.


Matched Donation

Matched by Tyrepower


Jason Spencer


Matched Donation

Matched by Tyrepower


Ryan Spencer


Matched Donation

Matched by Tyrepower



Way to go Jacquie


Helen Roth


Lavinia Mason

Go Jac


Jacqueline Spencer

You can also Donate via Direct Deposit:
Account Name: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Ltd
BSB: 062 000
Account Number: 12668231
Payment reference: Your full name
To request your receipt: donations@pcfa.org.au