Francesca Camilleri


Every step
matters this
Men’s Health Week.

I’m taking strides to save men’s lives.

Prostate cancer is Australia’s most commonly diagnosed cancer. 1 in 5 men are likely to be diagnosed by 85.

That’s why, this Men’s Health Week, I’m making every step count.

Will you donate today and help fund new research to detect and defeat prostate cancer?

Thank you to my sponsors




Matched Donation

Matched by Tyrepower


Crystal Camilleri

Well done Mum!


Matched Donation

Matched by Tyrepower


Lynne Cicala Tony Cicala

Awesome effort Franca well done xx


Matched Donation

Matched by Tyrepower


Lisa Bagnato

Great work Franca!


Matched Donation

Matched by Tyrepower


Tony and Laura Bagnato


Nonna & Josie Cicala

Well done Franca


Michael and Rosanna Burdelof

Well done for taking the initiative to help out a very worthy cause Francesca!


Christina Whitaker

Good on you Franca!


Roslyn Bache

You go girl!!!


B Wells

Too close to home.... good on you. If time allowed, I'd love to do a big walk with you....


Lexy Campbell


Tania Polimeni & Filomena Polimeni


Bridget Irrgang

Good Luck!! X


Elise Romeo



Valerie Romeo

All the best! What a worthy cause!


G & N Leo


Greg&joanne Campbell

Francesca , you are one amazing girl ! So inspirational!


Deanna & Aldo Paravizzini


Ned n Carmel Bagnato

Well done!


Francesca Camilleri

You can also Donate via Direct Deposit:
Account Name: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Ltd
BSB: 062 000
Account Number: 12668231
Payment reference: Your full name
To request your receipt: