Adele Foxcroft


Every step
matters this
Men’s Health Week.

I’m taking strides to save men’s lives.

I am beyond grateful for the amazing years I spent with my grandad and I am also at peace knowing that when he passed the pain he was riddled with for so long was finally gone. I have had some major life events since he left this earth 13 years ago... having my own business, my wedding, buying my own home, having a child, all things I wish I could have shared with him, it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about him and the things he has missed in mine and my families lives. My grandad blessed me with 18 beautiful years, but unfortunately due to prostate cancer he was taken from our family to early.

Prostate cancer is Australia’s most commonly diagnosed cancer. 1 in 5 men are likely to be diagnosed by 85.

That’s why, this Men’s Health Week, June 10th to 16th, I’m making every step count. My baby William and I will be walking everyday for that week in honor of my grandad, Robert Devine, to help raise funds for new research to detect and defeat prostate cancer! 

Please help out and donate what you can, we all have males in our lives that are worth protecting.

My Updates

3 days to go!!

Friday 14th Jun
3 days to go and just over 8kms to crack for my goal 💕


Wednesday 12th Jun
Over halfway there 3 days in!!

First walk of the first day

Monday 10th Jun
First walk for day 1 was around beautiful eildon. My grandads resting place

My grandad

Wednesday 29th May

Thank you to my sponsors


Derek Devine

Have fun while walking with William for such a good cause. Xx


Jayme Sterio

He would be so proud of you 💕


Craig Simmonds

Doing an awesome thing Your grandad would be proud ❤️


Maddie Murphy


Jackie & Peter Edwards

Grandad would be so proud of you & William we are proud of you goodluck.



Proud of you!


Rachel Coffey

What a great cause ❤️


Jess Edwards

Great cause! Good luck xx


Thelma Sims

He is our angel above looking down on you Adele & all the family & he would be very proud especially this fundraiser you will achieve on his behalf 🙏


Tim Foxcroft

Go del n will


Carol & Nanny❤️❤️

Beautiful thing to do, cheering you both on.

You can also Donate via Direct Deposit:
Account Name: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Ltd
BSB: 062 000
Account Number: 12668231
Payment reference: Your full name
To request your receipt: